Monday, September 4, 2017

Covered Bridges of Washington County Visited September 4, 2017

Hi!!! We're Lynne and Bob and live in Elizabeth, PA. Welcome to our little section of bloggie world where we want to share with you our little Sunday Adventures where Bob sits at his computer using Google Earth and plans and plots where we will be adventuring for the day.

We usually take a "selfie" to commemorate the day along with at least taking a picture of "the tree of the day"!!

that's us!!!! Bob is on the left and my grandbabies call him Santa Bob and of course, that's me on the right!!!

I'll be going back in time along with pictures taken in present time to share with you on our adventures  . . . SEW, sit back, grab a cup of coffee or a glass of wine (my drink of choice), and check us out!!!!

Today, we traveled to three bridges in Washington County:

first bridge, Sprowl's Bridge was located in East Finley Park which can be found off Templeton Road and in a beautiful scenic park:

taken from the bridge with the creek underneath

information center which was closed

taken from the bridge

Next stop on our travel after making a few wrong turns was Bailey Bridge which had a few "gentlemen on the bridge" - cue "Dueling Banjo's" that informed us that the bridge was "Private Property"

after a prompt exit - stage left to quote Snaggletooth Tiger the next bridge on our travels today was Hughes Bridge which no longer has a road to exit it but is in a beautiful scenic surrounding and pictures were taken from the road:

beautiful aren't they???

I hear you asking, how can you make these trips yourself and find the Covered Bridges in the area. Well, Santa Bob had bought for me a book titled, "Pennsylvania's Covered Bridges A Complete Guide" by Benjamin D. Evans and June R. Evans which gives a wealth of knowledge of the bridges in and around surrounding areas along with directions and pictures. Makes great bathroom reading!!! LOL!!!

I've always been fascinated by Covered Bridges but become more obsessed after seeing the movie, The Bridges of Madison County but then again, I'm not Meryl Strep and Bob isn't Clint Eastwood!!!

Well, I hope you enjoyed visiting with us today and our trip. I have more pictures of today's trip to share with you but will save them for another day!!!!

I hope you leave some bloggie love and let us know what you enjoy visiting on your day trips and give ideas and suggestions!!!

Much love, hugs, and bloggie love
Lynne and Bob

oops, I almost forgot - here's our tree of the day:

what constitutes the "tree of the day" you ask - simple, it needs to have character and just be unique - TA DAH!!!

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